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[Hobbies]: Customise Sculpture of Pets

经过了几个月的努力,终于完成了自己心中一直想要做的事情,就是把我家可爱的宝贝制造成迷你版的它们,之后带它们去旅行✈️。每当旅行,我都会想如果能带它们一起去那有多好,如果它们也和我一起照相哪有多好,终于,我的自学努力后的成果,我没放弃,让我觉得满足感。每一只的它们我都是用心,一针一针的刺上去,是100%的手工艺品,还有时间及耐心的好好做。 虽然有时候会刺到自己的手,非常的疼,但是最后的成品是让我非常的开心及满足。

After months of effort, finally completed somethings that I’m always wanted to do, is to make a mini version of my furry kids, then take them to travel ✈️. Whenever traveling, I would think if I can bring them go together, how good is it? And finally, the results of my efforts after self, I did not give up, so I feel satisfaction. Each of them was using my love and passion to stitch up, is 100% of handicrafts, as well as the time and patience to do well. Although sometimes I will stuck to my hands, very painful, but the final product result make me very happy and satisfied.

我家有两个儿子,一个女儿, 这是我家的大儿子,Caesar,坐在它的前面以及头顶上的,是我这几个月来一直不断的练习及提升自己的手工艺品。 有肥版的,瘦版的,矮版的。

I have two sons (furry kids), one daughter (furry kids), this is my family’s eldest son, Caesar, sitting on its front and top of the head, is the past few months I have continued to practice and enhance my handicrafts. There are fat version, thin version of the short version.

Customise Sculpture of Shelties Blacs Singapore

慢慢的就开始制作我其他孩子,女儿及刚领养的儿子。 这是最后的完成品。

Slowly began, I’m started to make my other child, a daughter and son had just adopted. This is the final finished product.

Customise Sculpture of Shelties Blacs Singapore 1

Customise Sculpture of Shelties Blacs Singapore 2

如果你也有兴趣,如同我一样也想要做迷你版毛小孩,可以到我的BLACS手工艺品面子书专页质询。我的BLACS手工艺品面子书有更多关于我的手工艺品迷你版的可爱狗狗们,可以到我的专业看看。 如果您在阅读我的文章,请您帮我在我的专业里按个“赞”,谢谢您!

If you’re interested and think to have a mini size of your furry kids (dogs) like me, and also want to bring them travel around the world, wanna make one? you can go to my handicraft Facebook fan page name BLACS inquiry me or click the link as below to direct you to my Facebook page and will get to see all my art works.

If you’re reading my post here, please help me to click “LIKE” on my handicraft Facebook page for a support.  Thank you very much!

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