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[Homemade] – My First Soup ‘ABC’


I am craving to drink ABC soup recently.  So, decided to cook myself at home.

This is the first time I learn how to cook ABC soup.  Do a lot of online search and find the ingredients on how to cook it.  I think it’s quite simple to cook from the information I get from internet.

First, I need to buy these ingredients to cook the soup for 2 people (me & my hubby, CY):

  • 2xPotato,
  • 2xTomato,
  • 1xOnion,
  • 1xCarrot
  • 2xChicken Drumstick or 2xPork Ribs
  • Salt to taste

I bought all ingredients, but I choose Chicken Drumstick with an additional Tofu.

Here are my ingredients:

ABC Soup



Chicken Drumstick

I need to remove the gunk from the chicken, so I put the chicken drumstick into a pot with just enough water to cover them.  Bring to a boil.  Pour away the water; rinse the chicken under the tap to get rid of any blood or other impurities.

Potato, Tomato, Onion & Carrot – Peel & cut them.

Cooking the soup:

Put in the prepared chicken, vegetables into a pot with just enough water to cover them.  Bring it to a high boil.  Once boil, adds Salt to taste and simmer on very low heat for about 2/3 hours.

ABC Soup


Tadah~!  This is ABC soup.  It is super easy to prepare.  Therefore, as simple as ABC!

ABC Soup


My soup is ready to serve!

ABC Soup


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